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Geronimo: Leadership Strategies of an American Warrior - de Mike Leach, Buddy Levy (Author)

Details Geronimo: Leadership Strategies of an American Warrior

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Le Titre Du LivreGeronimo: Leadership Strategies of an American Warrior
Sortié Le2014-05-06
TraducteurPamela Samraat
Quantité de Pages776 Pages
La taille du fichier60.70 MB
LangueAnglais et Français
ÉditeurNew American Library
Type de e-BookPDF EPub AMZ FB2 PPT
ÉcrivainMike Leach, Buddy Levy
Nom de FichierGeronimo-Leadership-Strategies-of-an-American-Warrior.pdf

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Geronimo Leadership Strategies of an American Warrior by Mike Leach and Buddy Levy Playing cowboys and Indians as a boy legendary college football coach Mike Leach always chose to be the Indian the underdog whose success turned on being a tough resourceful ingenious fighter

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